If You Were Given The Chance Would You Actually Qualify To Go To Mars?
If You Were Given The Chance Would You Actually Qualify To Go To Mars?
So you think you could get to mars? Take the test and see!
So you think you could get to mars? Take the test and see!

How tall are you?
Do you wear glasses?
On a scale of 1-10, how trustworthy are you?
Someone has decided to eat your last sandwich on Mars, you spent weeks saving it and making it from scratch, how do you react?
When people meet you which one of these statements describes you
You meet someone on mars that tickles your fancy, what do you do?
What kind of attitude do you have?
When times are bleak and you are at the end of your tether how do you tend to deal with everything?
What is the longest time you have stayed in a job
Marvellous Mars Explorer
Marvellous Mars Explorer
Congratualtions. You have passed the test to qualify whether you would crack under pressure in the intense mars environment. You have proven you are a collected soul who has their head screwed on meaning you are ready for anything on Mars. You're not really a people-person, so total isolation sounds like a dream to you. Bon Voyage and enjoy the rest of your life millions of miles away from literally everyone.
In Another Lifetime
In Another Lifetime
Well done--you almost qualify for this once in a lifetime adventure, however there are certain elements of your personality that don't quite fit the match and our experts are a little worried you might lose your mind at some point. You are the perfect earthling so just stick to what you know.
Don't worry, this Mars mission is clearly not for you. You didn't qualify to go to Mars, but in all fairness you didn't want to go anyway! You love your home comforts too much and know that you crack quite easily under pressure. You wouldn't pass three days on Mars before all the food would be gone and the lack of oxygen would start to make you conjure up strange plans to take over the colony.