Are You Actually Happy Right Now?
Are You Actually Happy Right Now?
What kind of happiness do you need to feel whole right now?
What kind of happiness do you need to feel whole right now?

How did you feel when you woke up today?
What adjective describes life at the moment?
When was the last time you felt fireworks in your soul?
The key to happiness is...
What do you feel is your soul purpose?
Where are you happiest?
Do you feel you are doing what you love on a daily basis?
How happy is your social life?
Do you think we need to be happy all the time?
You are in need of some childish happiness in your life. You need to stop and connect to your inner child for a moment. You have forgotten your inner youth spirit and in order to feel a full sense of happiness, you need to reconnect with this part of your life. Go and run around a field, climb a wall or dance with your clothes off. Do anything that makes you feel 5 years old again!
You need to connect to your deep and natural roots. You are lacking a feeling of wholesomeness and need to go back to your foundations. Use your hands. Start cooking or working with plants. Sometimes it is easy to forget where we are from and you need to touch base with your earthy roots.
You are needing more social activity in your life. Life isn't just about work and you need to connect with your loved ones and friends at the moment to reconnect to the human spirit. It is easy to get caught up in daily life but remember that happiness is always shared so to give yourself a happy boost spend some time with the people you love.
You are in search of some freedom and this is what will cure your happy soul. Take a spontaneous trip or adventure somewhere. What you need to feel is freedom and that life isn't a routine so break that and go on a run, try something new, meet someone new and step out of your comfort zone to cure that empty space in your heart.