Can You Get An "A" In This GCSE Art History Exam
Can You Get An "A" In This GCSE Art History Exam
You might like art in the abstract but how good is your cold hard knowledge of famous western art history?
You might like art in the abstract but how good is your cold hard knowledge of famous western art history?

What is the name of the artist who painted this?
This famous piece by Henry Fuseli is called...
Anthony Van Dyke's portrait of Samson and Delilah, c. 1630 has a heavy influence from which artist?
What is the title of this profound series painted by Francis Bacon?
Picasso's Guernica, 1973 represents what?
The Marilyn Diptych was so widely acclaimed because...
What is the name of this famous Rene Magritte painting?
The Potato eaters was painted by...
Who painted this masterpiece?
The sleeping gypsy is painted by which artist?
Which movement did this painting by Claude Monet give birth to?
Who painted this?
The work of Paul Cezanne eventually led to the artist movement known as...
You probably spent your art lessons hanging out at the back with your friends not really paying attention. If you like art you're more into making it than studying it anyway.
You're an artistic genius! You know your Monet from your Manet and your Mondrian from your Munch! Well done!