Myth, History or Legend?
Myth, History or Legend?
Let's see how well you know your ancient history!
Let's see how well you know your ancient history!

Created by PringlePeaches
On Jan 12, 2017
1 / 12
Troy was captured by soldiers in a wooden horse.
2 / 12
Achilles was a famous warrior.
3 / 12
Genghis Khan founded the Mongal empire
4 / 12
King Arthur ruled England
5 / 12
Ulysses was the great king of Ithaca
6 / 12
Count Dracula was a a real vampire
7 / 12
Emperor Caligula promoted his favourite horse to general
8 / 12
Vlad the Impaler protected the Bulgarians and Romanians from the Danube
9 / 12
King Canute ordered the waves to part
10 / 12
Medusa was a monster with venemous snakes in her hair
11 / 12
The 10 biblical plagues that covered Egypt
12 / 12
Romulus and Remus, who founded rome were raised by a wolf
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