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Only 8% Of People Can Get Over 70% On This Secondary School Science Exam

Let's go back and see if you would pass your GCSE's!

Created by PringlePeaches
On Apr 4, 2016

Dry ice is a frozen form of which gas?

What is the brightest star in the night sky?

Which part of the eye is coloured and surrounds the pupil?

What is the longest bone in the human body?

Diamonds are a form of which chemical element?

Which part of the Earth lies between the outer core and the Oceanic crust?

A leveret is the young of which animal?

Riboflavin is an alternative name for which vitamin of the B Group?

The process of going from a liquid to a gas is called?

Which acid should you never ingest?

What is an atom made up of?

What is the usual colour of copper sulphate?

Which of Jupiter’s moons is the largest in the solar system?

Where in the body are alveoli to be found?

Which sugar is found in milk?



Congratulations you genius! You are in the top 8% of the British population who really knows their science! You have an excellent memory for facts and love taking every opportunity you can to increase your knowledge.



Better luck next time! You are part of 92% of the population who was never super passionate about the natural elements and the periodic table! You never really put the extra effort in to get A* results in science-you were too busy flirting behind the bikesheds!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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