We Can Guess What Kind Of School You Went To
We Can Guess What Kind Of School You Went To
We're not even looking at you and we can tell from here.
We're not even looking at you and we can tell from here.

Which school dinner do you recognise?
What were you most likely to get told off for?
Pick a tie
What was your favourite subject?
Which sport did you play most at school?
How did you end school year?
Which of these pictures looks like your main school building?
Pick a word to describe school
You went to boarding school - so fancy! You spent your evenings sneaking into your friends’ dorms and your weekends making mischief around the grounds. You’ve got a first class education and your own weird school-specific vocabulary to show for it - and you had the chance to mix and mingle with your peers in the upper classes of society and really secure your college education and inevitable path to success.
You went to a bog standard state school like the majority of people. You wore your uncomfortable school uniform, try to get away with rolling up your skirt or shortening your tie - but ending up in detention for your troubles. The big class sizes just meant you were surrounded by your friends all the time and sure school was okay, but you remember messing around in class much more than the stuff you were meant to be learning.
You went to a posh private school, with beautiful grounds and loads of extracurricular activities. Rugby, never football; debate team instead of detention and school trips to locations around the world - private school was alright, really. You worked hard, made fun of the local comprehensive kids and hosted the best parties. You were coached on how to get into university and ended up at one of the best, but you’ll always look back at your time swotting over classical languages with fondness.
Home Schooled
Home Schooled
You were home schooled. Your parents had strong ideas about how you were meant to be taught and what you should be learning, so they took it upon themselves to give you the best education they could think of. People might think that’s a bit weird but you’ve done alright out of it, you’re smart and happy now and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.