We Know What Kind Of Therapy You Need From Just 10 Questions
We Know What Kind Of Therapy You Need From Just 10 Questions
Let's see whether Freud would be up your street or whether you need some practical help in terms of solving the problem.
Let's see whether Freud would be up your street or whether you need some practical help in terms of solving the problem.

How do you feel about therapy?
How close are you to your family
Which sport are you drawn to?
In school what kind of learner were you?
When you have a problem how do you best solve it?
Which word describes how you feel right now?
Which word would describe your way of thinking about your flaws?
What stands out in this painting?
What are you?
Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model, which states that thoughts, feelings and behaviour are all connected, and that individuals can change their attitude and life by overcoming difficulties and meeting their goals by identifying and changing unhelpful or inaccurate thinking and problematic behaviour. You believe life is about taking actions and solving problems. You have a logical mind and like to think practically about your decisions meaning cognitive therapy would be the best suited therapy for you. You're less preoccupied with what caused these feelings that untangling the cause from the effect and taking steps to improve your mental health and your life.
Psychoanalytical Freudian Theory
Psychoanalytical Freudian Theory
Psychoanalytic therapy looks at how the unconscious mind influences thoughts and behaviours. It frequently involves looking at early childhood experiences in order to discover how these events might have shaped the individual and how they contribute to current actions. You love going back to your roots and understanding your problems from the past. Nothing gets you going more excited than trying to understand where you are from and what you have done. You have an inquisitive, introspective mind, and would feel comfortable discussing moments in your past and untangling their wider significance to the rest of your life.
Puppy Therapy
Puppy Therapy
Wellness centres at several universities have been having puppy therapy sesssions for stressed students during exam periods. Studies show that humans having animal contact for a short period of time can immediately lighten your mood and change your frame of mind. You tend to get stressed quite easily and the best therapy for you would be with the help of a tender loving puppy. Close contact to animals has proven to lower rates of depression and every time you look in the eyes of an adorable puppy it will always bring you back to a happy place.
Arts Therapy
Arts Therapy
Art therapy is a creative method of expression used as a therapeutic technique. Many people feel connected to the arts as a means of expression when they are trying to understand certain things. A therapy that touches upon the arts, like drama therapy, dance therapy or art therapy is perfect for you when you're struggling to communicate conventionally.