What Is The One Thing You Should Change About Your Mind Right Now
What Is The One Thing You Should Change About Your Mind Right Now
How are you feeling mentally? What is the ONE thing you need to start working on to be in a better place?
How are you feeling mentally? What is the ONE thing you need to start working on to be in a better place?

When you stand in front of the ocean, what words come to mind?
When you look at this landscape how does it make you feel?
What does this picture represent to you?
If you were isolated in this landscape, how would you feel?
This deep, dark black hole leads to?
If you could be taken away from this world, would you?
Does being left at sea scare you?
If you could choose to follow the light or stay in the darkness, what would you do?
You might feel like you have an angry streak in your mind. This year let's try and work on getting rid of this feeling. Anger creates a build up of cells and stops everything flowing. When you feel anger you are focusing more energy on that than on anything else. If you can learn to control your mind and those angry feelings, we can guarantee you will feel a lot lighter, happier and be able to get more stuff done!
Did you know it uses more energy to be negative than positive. You need to start getting rid of all those negative emotions if you want to start the new year with a fresh head. We know it is easier said than done but try and think about what makes you feel down and for every negative think of a positive. We can guarantee you will start feeling the results soon.
You need to cut that green eyed monster because it is driving you crazy. Jealousy is a poisonous feeling and you just can't help but feel it most of the time. This is the one thing that you need to try and work on. Try therapy or yoga or other calming techniques to try and keep that feeling at bay.
You sometimes feel overwhelmed by fear and this is what you need to get rid off. Fear can lead to many insecurities and will halt you from doing many things that you really want to do. Try facing your fears and confronting your demons this year. We know it will be scary but this is what you need to change to get to that better place.