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What Is Your Actual Relationship Age?

Are you in a middle-aged marriage before your time or still re-living your childhood sweetheart days? Take the quiz and see what age you and your partners relationship really is!

Created by PringlePeaches
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your idea of a perfect date?

What do you consider most unattractive in a partner?

What do you love most about your partner?

It's time to spice up the relationship and you have a sexy night planned, what do you do?

Your perfect partner dish is ...

How would you describe your relationship?

What do you consider the most important element of a healthy relationship?

What is your future prospect for your relationship?

Where do you imagine living in the future with your partner?

18 - High-school sweethearts

18 - High-school sweethearts

Your relationship is as cute as a babies bottom. You and your partner are in moment of pure exploration and you are enjoying learning about every little detail your partner has to share. Each day is a new chapter and you love spending every moment that you can with your partner. You can't be seperated and sparks fly in the room when you are together. Miscommunication might occur but thats only due to you both getting to grips with each others lives and accomodating the relationship around them. Public displays of affection are no big deal to you guys as you want to show the world what you have got, just like a kid with a shiny new toy!

25 - Independent

25 - Independent

Your relationship is set in your mid-twenties. You are at a point in the relationship when you both feel connected and you know who each other really are. You have past the crucial first period of the relationship and you are learning to love each others good and bad points too! Anything can take you by surprise but you are both enjoying the adventure and establishing what kind of relationship you both want. You tend to live in the moment and don't spend time planning the future of your relationship but rather live each day together as best you can.

38 - Middle-aged marriage

38 - Middle-aged marriage

You have reached the comfortable age of a middle aged marriage.
You've settled into each other comfortably, and even your partners' annoying habits are endeering to you because you recognise they're an essential part of making up the person you love. Your relationship has reached a point of complete trust and understanding and your support for each others wants and needs is an unbreakable bond. You understand how important each others happiness together and individually is! You are invested in a true life partner.

50 - Until death do us part

50 - Until death do us part

You have a relationship that is truly set in your 50's. There is nothing that your partner could do that would turn you off them. You two are a team through thick and thin and support each other in every way possible. You tend to share the same priorities and morals in life and understand what it really means to make a relationship work. There might be difficult times but you and your partner are strong enough to get through anything!

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