What Sport Is Actually For Me?
What Sport Is Actually For Me?
2018 is on the horizon and we know you want to get that body back into shape.
2018 is on the horizon and we know you want to get that body back into shape.

When do you prefer to exercise?
Where do you prefer to be when exercising?
When you work out, what is more important?
Are you patient with exercise or do you want quick results?
What extreme sport would you pick if you had to?
How long do you like to train for?
Do you like running?
Do you enjoy sports where there is a risk element?
How determined are you from 1 to 5? ( 5 being really determined)
Swimming and Watersports
Swimming and Watersports
You are a water baby by birth and nothing excites you more than dipping into the pool every day. If you are lucky enough to live by the ocean, even better. You need to love the sport you are doing so gyms just don't hack it. You see sport as a meditative practise and submersing yourself into the deep will get your heart racing and your mind spacing.
Yoga and Pilates
Yoga and Pilates
You love to stretch, twist and turn. Yoga and Pilates are your soul food and they help you find total balance in the body and the mind. You tend to get bored in most classes but yoga and Pilates gives you a complete well being. You feel whole, toned and strong which is exactly what you need to conquer the days ahead.
Dance and Move
Dance and Move
You need to move, move, move. Nothing makes you happier than swinging or salsa-ing the night away. Any kind of dance makes you happy as it doesn't feel like exercise. You love feeling free and what you love about dance is that there are so many styles that you can never get bored of one thing. Take up all the dance classes in the world and start moving that body.
Outdoor Adventures
Outdoor Adventures
You love being in the outdoors and nothing makes you happier than nature. Whether you want to climb, trek or hike, outdoor, adventure sports are your thing. You might not live in the outdoors but there are plenty of climbing centres to get that heart rate up. Keep striving and think of all the adventure holidays you can start planning.
Martial Arts
Martial Arts
You love martial arts and nothing makes you happier than thinking you have a goal with sport. Whether it means training to get the best possible fitness or beating an opponent, martial arts is a great exercise that keeps you mentally and physically prepared. Whether it be boxing, muy thai or karate, we can guarantee your body will be a warrior before you know it.