Which British TV Mum is Your Mum Most Like?
Which British TV Mum is Your Mum Most Like?
You know and love these mums but which one is most like yours?
You know and love these mums but which one is most like yours?

What time does your mum usually wake up?
What is your mum's style?
How many hours does your mum work a day?
Does your mum cook?
What is your mums typical breakfast?
What is your mum's favourite activity?
What does your mum drink at christmas dinner?
What does your mum think of tattoos?
You pass your curfew coming in, what is your mum's reaction?
Peggy Mitchell
Peggy Mitchell
Your mumsy is the ballsy Peggy Mitchell. Loyalty is an utmost priority in your family and your mum would go through thick and thin to make sure everything was ok for you. Confident, sociable and outspoken, your mum is not scared to stand up for what she believes in and will always look out for her family's best. You know not to cross her at times but her heart is always in the right place.
The Dowager Countess
The Dowager Countess
Your TV mumsy is the perfectly proper Dowager Countess. She is witty and strong-minded and firm on discipline and good manners. She's incredibly straight-talking, with a sharp tongue everyone fears, but despite this, she's very proud of her family. She might seem like a tough old biddy but beneath it all she has a heart of gold .
Edina Monsoon
Edina Monsoon
Sweety; your mumsy is the absolutely fabulous Edina Monsoon! Your mum is a true fashionista and loves to 'think' that she is down with the kids. Slightly neurotic, your mum loves a bit of self-indulgence and is the kind of mum everyone else wanted to have, even if you found her a bit cringe when you were a teenager.. Despite that., she was the mum who let everyone crash at your house on the weekend and bought everyone a WKD or two at the house parties she'd let you host all the time.
Barbara Royle
Barbara Royle
Your mum is the kind-hearted and softly spoken Barbara Royle. Your mum is the angel on top of the tree and is kind, level-headed and loyal. She loves her family so much she ends up juggling all the responsibilities of a busy household singlehandedly. She demonstrates her love for all her children by making sure their home is neat and tidy, and that there's always a hot meal on the table. She's a proper nurturing loving mother through and through.