Which Christmas Spirit Animal Are You?
Which Christmas Spirit Animal Are You?
It is the festive time of year and we know you all want to know what Christmas spirit animal you are.
It is the festive time of year and we know you all want to know what Christmas spirit animal you are.

If you could be an animal which would would you be?
Who do you like to surround yourself with at Christmas?
What is your favourite Christmas stance?
What is your favourite Christmas activity?
Which animal describes you after Christmas dinner?
How would one describe you in the Christmas period?
If you were to be reincarnated into a character from A Christmas Carol, which ghost would you be?
Choose a landscape that makes you feel warm inside
Your Christmas spirit animal is the reindeer
Your Christmas spirit animal is the reindeer
Your Christmas spirit animal is a reindeer. You are the guiding force of light in the winter period. People can't help but want to follow you and be around you during this time of year. You know exactly where you are going and are the leader of the pack. Although you might find the Christmas period a little overwhelming, without you guiding those around you, nothing would get done so enjoy this moment as it is your favourite time of year.
Your Christmas spirit animal is the Snowman
Your Christmas spirit animal is the Snowman
You are a frosty snowman. You might find this time of year a little difficult but you know exactly where your loyalties lie. You tend to stick around the people that love you the most and provide stable and strong support. If things get overcrowded you might melt away so you prefer to keep calm during the Christmas period so you can really cherish this time of year with the most important ones to you.
Your Christmas spirit animal is the Elf
Your Christmas spirit animal is the Elf
You are a mischievous elf at Christmas and you want to be here, there and everywhere. You are never settled on being in one place and love the movement that surrounds Christmas. You want to go to every Christmas party and event and meet and mingle until your heart is content. People might find you unreliable in this period but it is only because you use this time of year to step out of your comfort zone.
Your Christmas spirit animal is the Wolf
Your Christmas spirit animal is the Wolf
You become a lonesome wolf in the Christmas period. You use this time to reflect on what you really need and what matters to you. You might take hibernation during this time but you love the chance to snuggle and reflect. You spirit animal is loyal and caring so if someone needs you, you will be there but you are all about looking after number 1 at this time of year.