Which Egyptian Queen Are You?
Which Egyptian Queen Are You?
The Egyptians had a number of powerful female rulers, but which one do you share a personality with?
The Egyptians had a number of powerful female rulers, but which one do you share a personality with?

How do you feel about men?
It is your first day as queen. What is your priority?
What is your favourite way to relax?
Would you rather be queen and rule Egypt or get married to a Pharoah?
How would everything end for you in your last days?
How do you travel around?
What is your reputation?
Which magic power would you have?
Queen Hatshepsut
Queen Hatshepsut
You are the remarkable and powerful Queen Hatshepsut. Considered by some scholars to be history's first woman of importance, Hatshepsut ascended to the status of pharaoh in the very male-dominated ancient Egypt. Her ascension was remarkable as she declared herself ruler through a bold power-play. Just like Hatshepsut, you are forward thinking and will stop at nothing to get what you want. Bold and confrontational, no one can out speak you and your fiery personality means you will always get what you want. During her time in power, Egypt had the world's largest army, and the ruling families enjoyed a lifestyle on a lavish scale.
Queen Nefertiti
Queen Nefertiti
You are the drop dead gorgeous Queen Nefertiti because you are widely recognised for your beauty and seduction skills. Queen Nefertiti was the wife and queen of Pharaoh Akhenaten and she was queen during a period of great financial wealth and religious upheaval. With her husband, she established an entirely new religion in Egypt. Like her, you are strong willed, passionate and loyal. You have grand plans and know exactly how to achieve them because you are a just and fair leader.
Queen Cleopatra
Queen Cleopatra
You are the powerful Queen Cleopatra. You are strong-minded and will stop at nothing to achieve success. Cleopatra was known for leading her country forward despite its declining power. You understand life can be difficult but your perseverance and endurance means you are a true fighter until the end. At only 18 years old, Cleopatra became Queen of Egypt. Ancient Egyptian records reveal Cleopatra to be an intelligent and powerful ruler. The philosopher Plutarch described her not as a stunning beauty, but as a captivating, persuasive and charming leader.
Queen Sobekneferu
Queen Sobekneferu
You are Queen Sobek. You are extremely logical and talented in areas of business and construction. If there is anything you know how to do, it is to build and create. Queen Sobekneferu ruled Egypt during the 12th Dynasty from 1806-1802 BC. She rose to power after her husband (and brother) Amenemhat IV, died. You fight to break the norms and many scholars believed she used masculine titles to help assuage the many critics of female rulers. You are a true warrior and will stop at nothing to prove your power and place in the world.