Which Period Of Britney Spears' Life Are You?
Which Period Of Britney Spears' Life Are You?
Hit Me Baby or Breakdown Britney?
Hit Me Baby or Breakdown Britney?

How would you describe your adolescence?
Which Britney song represents your love life?
Your love life looks like....
What was your favourite childhood hobby?
How would you describe your relationships?
The highlight of your career has been...
Your angry face looks like...
Which Britney Spears song makes you feel happy and warm inside?
Baby Britney
Baby Britney
You are baby Britney. You have just stepped out into the showbiz world and it is yours for the taking. Get ready to receive a lot of attention and take the world by storm. You are fresh faced and people may take advantage of you so be wary of who to trust and who not to trust. This is an exciting period of your life so enjoy the ride.
2001 Britney
2001 Britney
You are a cool, calm and confident Britney looking to take risks in life and shock people. You feel empowered to do whatever the f*** you like and you don't care what people say about you. You're sick of being treated like a child and you're seizing back control of your life and your sexuality, one provocative outfit at a time.
Modern-Day Britney
Modern-Day Britney
This is your moment. Your life is at a climax right now and you are confident in every aspect of your life. You are at the peak of your social and career ladder. You've been through the toughest, darkest times of your life and you've re-emerged, more powerful, sexy and in control than ever.
Breakdown Britney
Breakdown Britney
Everything has just got a bit too much for you and your life feels like one flaming piece of hot trash right now. Fortunately, you can take inspiration from Britney here, because if she survived 2007, you can definitely survive whatever you've got on.