Tips to Reduce Body Pain during Movement
Tips to Reduce Body Pain during Movement

Tips to Reduce Body Pain during Movement
Being flexible is one of the most important factors that affect our movements. There are multiple factors that affect the flexibility of a human, for instance, your occupation, age, fatigue, energy, past injuries, and the types of activity you engage your body in. The changes in any of these factors can restrict your movement, making it difficult for you to move without pain. While some movement restrictions are temporary and can go away on their own, others are acute and may last for as long as you live (especially the movement issues that arise due to age factors or any severe injury). Hire reliable muscle stiffness Chicago treatment services.
The good news is you won’t have to deal with the body pain caused during movements as long as you take care of your flexibility. Yes, you read it right! It is your body flexibility that can help you get rid of the sharp pain that hits your body every time you try to move. Hence, embracing flexibility techniques is important to ensure safe and pain-free movements. Let’s have a look at an effective way of reducing pain during movement.
Self Myofascial Release
Self Myofascial release is one of the advanced yet easy-to-perform flexibility techniques that work on the fascial and neural system of your body. The neural and fascial systems are considered the integral parts of a human body as they play a vital role in our body functioning. The fascial of a normal and a healthy person can be defined as a curvy pattern that stays relaxed. It is your fascial that supports all your body movements – be it stretching or performing the exercise. When people develop movement pain, they most likely suffer from fascial restrictions. Fascial restrictions have a negative impact on your body’s stability and flexibility, causing chronic pain and discomfort while movement. Note that it is your fascial that determines your strength to withstand workouts, exercises, and other stressful activities. Make use of reliable chiropractic West Loop services.
The fascial restriction is described as the trigger points, which negatively affects the fascial tissue structure. These trigger points weaken your tissue structure, putting pressure on the surrounding tissues to compensate for the weakened fascial tissues. The trigger points in your fascia can affect your joint movement, which also leads to the alteration in the normal neural message delivery to your nervous system. This reduces the efficiency of your neuromuscular system, causing unusual fatigue, acute pain, chronic injury, and inefficient movement.
Reduce pain with self Myofascial release technique
HYPERICE has modified some of the vital techniques used in the current times, for example, a ball as well as a foam roll featuring an advanced-level cutting edge technology that provides amazing results. In fact, this technology has proven to be an effective solution in improving the range of movements by up to 40 percent. According to recent research and studies, the utilization of this technology can help people witness a significant amount of relief from the chronic or acute pain caused during movements.
Wondering what makes the vibration technology integrated into the HYPERSPHERE and VYPER to improve your body movements, alleviate trigger point pain, and boost your flexibility and stability? Well, the vibration technology directly hits mechanoreceptors i.e. Ruffini endings and Pacinian corpuscles in your muscles. The mechanoreceptors are the major part of your muscles that gives a quick response to any rapid pressure changes in your body, such as the changes in the movement pressure caused by vibration. This vibration can provide a significant relaxation to your muscles provided that you roll it with slow pressure. What else? Its stimulation can help improve your neural message delivery.
· Lie down on a mat, place HYPERSPHERE on the QL, and try to get your knee in towards your body for a better release. You can either practice the release on your mat or against the wall.
· Release your tensor fascia latae and set the vibration intensity as per your preference. Once you're done with setting right vibration intensity, position the VYPER on the outer part of your hip. Bend your body forward and backward forming a 45-degree angle and move your hips back and forth. Do you notice the tender spot? Put the VYPER on such spot to ensure a proper release.
· If you want to release the Pectoralis muscles, put the HYPERSPHERE on the outer portion of your chest. Similar to the above-discussed step, move the HYPERSPHERE around your chest and release the pectoralis muscles.
Whether you suffer from movement pains due to aging or it's the sports injury that has altered your joint's motion, the best way to rid your body of such pain is by learning the latest self Myofascial release techniques. So why wait? Release your tender muscles with VYPER and HYPERSPHERE and enjoy pain-free and flexible movements. Make the most of reliable muscle stiffness Chicago treatment services.