The Chamber of Secrets
The Chamber of Secrets
Sequel to Sorcerers stone quiz
Test your knowledge of the most trivial facts in HP2!!
Sequel to Sorcerers stone quiz
Test your knowledge of the most trivial facts in HP2!!

What color is the dress that Petunia wears to welcome the Masons?
When does Harry first see Dobby?
According to Harry, what building must the Burrow once have been?
Which position did the Chudley Cannons hold in the league?
What did the mirror at the Burrow scream at Harry, giving him a shock?
What did Mrs. Weasely need to buy at Diagon Alley, as they were running low?
What was Hagrid supposedly looking for in Knockturn Alley?
Which Professor found Ron and Harry after they arrived at Hogwarts?
Who was the mousy haired boy that Harry saw being sorted?
What is Lockhart's favorite color?
What pixies does Lockhart bring to class?
What brooms do Fred and George own?
What is the name of the course that Filch takes?
Why weren't Harry, Hermione and Ron at the Halloween feast?
What injury did Harry suffer because of the rogue Bludger?
Whose hair did Hermione need to use for the Polyjuice Potion?
What plant were the second years pruning when Ernie apologized to Harry for doubting him?
Who did Ron say was Ginny's competition?
What did Harry stuff into his sock?
What game did Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny play on the train journey home?