What Super Mario character are you? [not including monsters other than Bowser].
What Super Mario character are you? [not including monsters other than Bowser].
Take this quiz to find out which Super Mario Character you match!
Take this quiz to find out which Super Mario Character you match!
What is your favorite color out of these choices?
Out of these, which food would you prefer?
If you had to go to a fancy dinner, what would you wear?
If someone offered you cookies, which kind would you take?
What's your favorite animal out of these?
Are you...
Which Super Mario Brothers Monster? [Other than Bowser].
Cupcakes or Ice cream?
Do you like Super Mario Brothers?
Last but not least...would you consider yourself popular in school?
You got Mario! You are well-known, always free to make new friends, and when something bad has happened to you or someone you know and care about dearly, you're not afraid to step up to the challenge[s] ahead of you. You're brave, but caring!
You got Luigi! You are a family member or friend of someone highly known, and you aren't usually the main focus. You are courageous, while also being shy at times. You can be timid, but quite a bit brave.
Princess Peach
Princess Peach
You got Princess Peach! You love to be sweet and kind, but you also have a touch of feisty in you. But only a little. Anyways, you're kind to everyone; except the ones who get in your way. You tend to get startled easily, and you are definitely well-known...you do have a great sense of style, though.
Princess Daisy
Princess Daisy
You got Princess Daisy! You aren't very popular, but that can be a good thing. You are a very independent person, and you love to hang out with family and friends. You can also be quite a bit cheery at certain times. In conclusion, you're a good, happy, friendly person who isn't really recognized by the popular. But that can be a great thing as well.
You got Bowser! You are the feistiest around, and there is no question about it. You hate it when someone tells you what to do, and you always want to be the leader of the group. You are very independent, and take many risks in life.
You got Yoshi! You are very energetic and athletic, and you absolutely love surprises. Whatever comes in your way, you are eager to head for it and take a risk. You make friends very easily, and you appreciate team work.
You got Toad! You are usually the quiet one of the group, but when it comes to emergencies, words seem to pop out of your mouth. You aren't popular much, but that's not at all bad. You are usually the follower of the group, and trust others to lead you. You're a happy, joyful person.