Which Brady Bunch Character Are You?
Which Brady Bunch Character Are You?
Are you hot for the butcher? Or hot for your sister? Just don't play ball in the house!
Are you hot for the butcher? Or hot for your sister? Just don't play ball in the house!

Who would you be in the military?
You see an older woman getting her purse snatched on the street, what do you do?!?
You are going to Prom, who do you hope to go with as your date?
Pick a favorite love song.
Meat's on! What's for dinner?
Your teacher asks you to stay after class...your first thought is...
What do you consider a freaky date?
How would you commit a murder?
Pick your poison...
You're getting dressed for a date...what do you wear??
You are Mike
You are Mike
You are a pretty stand-up kinda person with a lot of integrity and moral fabric. You sometimes talk too much to prove your point, but a lot of people look up to you anyway. You really don't need to try so hard because you have natural leadership skills, so sit back and let someone else take the reigns for a bit. It will actually make you look stronger in the eyes of those around you. But it doesn't matter , you are soooooooooo up-standing, people have a hard time trying to measure up to your radiant wholesome-ness (is that even a word?).
You are Carol!
You are Carol!
You are a strong nurturer with high morals. You can be very supportive, but get mildly frustrated at always being second in command. Don't worry, you will never let your frustration show, because really, let's admit it, you can't make the tough decisions anyway. You actually like being vice-president. Even though the maid is really the co-chair. You're kinda First Lady. Kinda. But, you're nice to look at, never ruffle feathers. But even when you say "Don't play ball in the house."...they play ball in the house. Let go, let God. What is it you do anyway?
You are Alice!
You are Alice!
You are the glue that holds everything together....ALL around you. You are nobody's fool and everyone respects you. You may play the clown, but that just makes people love you more. You see the quirks in people, and turn them into strengths. Even though you may not be the best-looking person in the room, it doesn't matter. You have so much personality and self-confidence, you have no problem finding someone who wants you...BAD. Feel good. You're the real deal.
You are Marcia!
You are Marcia!
Yeah...you're good looking, but you may want to pick up a REAL hobby, besides looking in the mirror and thinking about the amazing gift you are to the world, doesn't count. You are able to occasionally forgot about yourself and actually extend kindness to others, but it is short-lived.. And usually, you do it just to make yourself look better. No one is really fooled. Sorry. Please play again. And next time you get a hideous face-injury, please know, those who know you are secretly pleased.
You are Greg!
You are Greg!
You are a pretty good person, but keep that ego in-check! It is easy to get wrapped up in all the hullaballo around your superficial awesomeness. Remember...BEAUTY FADES! You can be naive enough to believe when someone is selling you a line, due to your ego. At least you try to cultivate some talents and interests, and you should go with that. You'll need it later on. But don't fret, you are also a natural leader and others look up to you. You generally use your power for good, not evil. People notice that. Try to focus on the qualities that make you a good person, and not just a good-looking person. You'll do alright!
You are Jan!
You are Jan!
Okay, here's the low-down...you need to loosen the F@#$-up! Life is not so bad. You are good enough, strong enough, and gawd-danggit, people like you! If you can just muster up enough confidence to stop acting like a victim!. You just need to be who you are and accept that you're not perfect. Who is? Really....get a grip! Life is hard and not fair. Truth. Sing your own song. Sing it loud...people will listen. You have so much to offer the world, but you need a publicist. Girl....you better WERK!
You are Peter!
You are Peter!
You are Andy Griffith. You are Bob Newhart. You are practically perfect in every way! You are funny, goofy, don't take yourself too seriously and aren't too pretty. But you are easy on the eyes. You wind up at 50 married to a model half your age. You know WHY? You're a great person! Everyone wants to hang with you. You're great at a party. You can hang at a funeral. And be sincere. And, you have to be pretty stable to grow up the way you did. However, your friends may try to be polite...your perm may not always look so great...
You are Kitty Karry-All!
You are Kitty Karry-All!
You are a killer doll. You may be a serial killer but we have no proof. When you went missing, you were found in the doghouse, and Tiger was to blame. Really? A dog can't squeal. For all we know, you were part of the Manson Gang who got away. Original Bride of Chuckie, you thrive on fear and drink blood. Creepy as all-get-out, it''s a good thing you were taken outside. Tiger was a good dog. Burn in Hell, you possessed demon. Also, you sound like fun to party with.