Which FUN HOME Character Are YOU?
Which FUN HOME Character Are YOU?

What is your favourite Fun Home song?
Which celebrity would you eat dinner with?
Who would you propose to in a spilt second?
You get home after a stressful day and ...?
What do you value the most?
How do you drink your coffee?
Which word describes you best?
On any given day, what are you likely to be wearing?
Words to live by?
You spend your days...?
Helen Bechel
Helen Bechel
You’re Helen! Keeping your family together is your number one priority. Piano and acting keeps you sane among the sea of troubles you go through every day at home. Make sure to take care of yourself!
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
Christian Bechdel
Christian Bechdel
You're Christian! Alison’s older brother, around 10 years old! As the oldest of the three children you strive to be the leader, but are sometimes overshadowed by Alison’s strong personality. You love playing with your siblings and your toys and being silly!
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
Adult Alison
Adult Alison
You’re Big Al! You’ve had some crazy stuff happen in your life. Your passions have taken you far, and you finally feel like you’ve gotten to a place good enough to visit all that past chaos. Don’t worry, you grew out of this stronger than ever.
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
Medium Alison
Medium Alison
You’re Medium Al! A world of crazy fast discoveries, new love, and family secrets awaits. All this pressure can seem like a lot, but you’ll get through it! Everything’s alright ;)
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
You got Joan! Let’s be real, you’re everyone’s favorite. Self-assured and unashamed, you may not know it, but you’re constantly helping the people around you feel more comfortable in their own skin. Keep showing the world your unique and beautiful self! You’re also cool as hell.
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
Small Alison
Small Alison
You’re Small Al! Adventurous, funny, and in love with random women you see in luncheonettes, basically you’re the purest form of human anyone could ever be. You’re searching for something, though you may not know what it is at this point. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and you’re about to go on the rollercoaster ride of your life!
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
Bruce Bechdel
Bruce Bechdel
You’re Bruce! You feel misunderstood by everyone. Sometimes the pressure feels like it’s just too much. Your attention to detail and intense passions can pile into a chaotic mess. The first step to feeling better is embracing yourself, and talking through it!
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
Roy/Pete/Mark/Bobby Jeremy
Roy/Pete/Mark/Bobby Jeremy
You're Roy/Pete/Mark/Bobby Jeremy!! As many different people, you have a wide variety of parts to yourself ranging from being a high school junior to the imaginary singer in Alison's dreams!! You have a lot going for you and are always around the family, as one of your many people!
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com
John Bechdel
John Bechdel
You're John! Alison’s younger brother, around 6 years old. Like most kids your age, you're is full of energy with a quirky imagination. You look up to your siblings and dream of being a star one day!
COME SEE QMT'S FUN HOME!!! BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY :) https://funhometickets.brownpapertickets.com