Night people VS Morning people
Night people VS Morning people
Find out what kind of person you are.
Find out what kind of person you are.

What time would you get up if you were entirely free to plan your own day?
What time would you go to bed if you were entirely free to plan your evening?
How dependent are you on being woken up by an alarm clock?
How easy do you find getting up in the mornings
How easily do you change your schedule?
You are a lark, also know as an early bird, you prefer to be up early and go to bed earlier. Your biology is wired so that you function better earlier in the day. You are more likely to get better grades in school because the classes will take place at the time of day when you are at your best. Larks of any kind make up about 25% of the population. Some notable larks include George W. Bush, Thomas Edison, Napoleon, and Earnest Hemingway.
Majority Lark
Majority Lark
You are majority lark, or a mid-morning person, you prefer to be up early and go to bed early, but not too early. You will probably be better at school. Larks of any kind make up about 25% of the population. Some notable larks include George W. Bush, Thomas Edison, Napoleon, and Earnest Hemingway.
Majority Member
Majority Member
You are part of the majority of people, 43% to be exact, who don't really like to get up early or stay up late. However, you are willing to get up earlier or stay up later if you need to or feel like it. You are normal in every way as far as studies in this area can tell.
Majority Owl
Majority Owl
You are a majority owl or evening person, and you prefer to sleep in later and stay up to around midnight. Your grades in school will be a little lower that an early bird, but contrary to this fact you are most likely slightly more intelligent than them. You will most likely be more creative and you have a high chance of growing up to be both rich and overweight. You wants to stay up later are not social or wrong in any way, but are in fact a biological occurrence. 32% of people are some form of an owl. Some notable owls include Obama, Hitler, and Elvis.
You are an owl or night owl, and you prefer to sleep in much later and stay up into the am. Your grades in school will be proximity 8% lower that an early bird, but contrary to this fact you are most likely far more intelligent than them. You will most likely be more creative and you have a high chance of growing up to be both rich and overweight. You wants to stay up later are not social or wrong in any way, but are in fact a biological occurrence. 32% of people are some form of an owl. Some notable owls include Obama, Hitler, and Elvis.