Glutathione: an antioxidant that improves liver functions
Glutathione: an antioxidant that improves liver functions
Its stock level is also important in brain activity, in the eyes and in the immune system
Glutathione is an antioxidant supplement that is used to boost liver functions in humans. It is synthesized in the cells of humans through the formation of amino acids. It is often cited as the master antioxidant in the human body because of its various roles in the body; and by its volume. He performs several functions that include preventing the accumulation of oxidized fats in the organism, carbohydrate-converting substances in energy and other functions related to atherosclerosis. Glutathione is classified as a tri-peptide, due to its combination of three different amino acids. It is found throughout the body, especially in the intestinal tract and in the liver, where they help in the fight against harmful compounds that are eliminated from the organism through bile.
The Immunologic system is reconstructed by supplying the glutathione peroxides (GSH) to the red and white blood cells, therefore a deficiency of glutathione will lead the body to a vulnerability being able to be even more affected by free radicals. Lack of balance and coordination, mental disturbances and tremors are some of the diseases associated with the lack of glutathione in the nervous system of the human body. It is composed of several amino acid substances, including cytokine, glutamine and lysine, and is basically located in the liver.
How this antioxidant works
Glutathione is essential to protect the cells of the body from various risks and exposures, such as excessive alcohol and drug intake, and toxins produced during the body's metabolic process.
It helps the organism in the production of some killer cells, which help the Immunologic system of the body to fight certain diseases. The presence of glutathione in the body builds itself a defense against free radicals and the presence of various environmental toxins in the body will naturally lead to a decrease in the amount of glutathione in the organism.
It is also a detoxifying of the body that has to be present in elevated concentration, especially in the liver, since the human body is subject to various environmental and metabolic risks on a daily basis.
It protects the body from damage from free radicals, since it possesses sulfur containing amino acid cytokine, which helps to destroy the harmful toxic materials of the organism due to its anti-radical free action properties. Cysteine also works as an effective binder of heavy metals in the organism. The depletion of cysteine, an essential part of glutathione, can cause frequent illnesses and liver damage.
Fruits and legumes are some of the natural sources of glutathione; Strawberry, tomato, watermelon, pumpkin, asparagus, avocado, melon, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and sauces are some of the foods that contain glutathione in abundance.
The depletion of cysteine in glutathione will result in the infiltration of non-neutralized toxins and free radicals in the bloodstream, which eventually lead to the body tissues being affected, therefore, glutathione supplements are Necessary in the human diet. N-acetyl-cysteine is the best form of dietary glutathione supplements that could be used and these supplements increase the levels of glutathione in the body more than the combination of cysteine and glutathione individually.
According to studies, the decrease in glutathione levels is an important contributing factor for liver damage and poor liver start-up. In a small study, abnormal plasma glutathione concentrations had been observed in patients with cirrhosis, regardless of their diet. A large study showed in 48 patients with cirrhosis that in plasma glutathione levels were 4-8 times lower than those of healthy volunteers. Liquid cysteine reduction was also observed in cases of severe hepatic cirrhosis.
Glutathione and neuro-degenerative diseases
The brain is vulnerable to the radical. It is highly oxygenated, which makes it sensitive to the endogenous production of oxygen radicals. It also contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids susceptible to peroxidation. Moreover, these catecholamine-rich brain regions are extremely vulnerable to the generation of free radicals.
Glutathione and Alzheimer's disease: a study of brain tissue of people who died of Alzheimer's disease presented less glutathione peroxidase and glutathione tenor; and increased levels of peroxidizados lipids in elderly people who died of Alzheimer's disease that is being associated with abnormally elevated levels of aluminum in the brain. And when it was administered patients who suffer from Alzheimer's metal chelators that push the aluminum out of the brain cells, it was significantly improved and the progression of the disease is retarded.
One of the most important functions of glutathione is the removal of toxic metals such as aluminum, and it seems that those related to the decrease in levels of glutathione with age may be due to an accumulation of toxic metals, resulting in an activity Oxygen-rich brain radical. This leads to degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.
In Parkinson's disease is the loss of dopaminergic neurons resulting in enhanced dopamine metabolism increases the formation of H 2 O 2, leading to the generation of highly neurotoxic hydroxyl radicals. In the brain, the most important free radical neutralizer is glutathione. Their levels are low in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Studies are proving that the loss of glutathione, which occurs with aging in dopaminergic neurons may have several alterations in the cells. These alterations, combined with the oxidation of dopamine, seem to accelerate cell death and promote the progression of Parkinson's disease. The decrease in levels of glutathione in the tissues of the brain is being related to the severity of the deficiency of the patients died of the disease.
Glutathione And Eye Health
It was shown that levels of lenticular glutathione in eye decrease with age, fall to a concentration of 3.5 umol/G with the age of 20 years at 1.8 umol/g at 65 years. Researchers demonstrated the existence of a lack of glutathione in cataract lenses, indicating that it is an accelerating factor in the formation of senile cataract. Glutathione and the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, act as powerful antioxidants to protect the transparency of the lens, stopping and/or repair the cellular damage caused by free radicals.
Experimental data show that taking a concentrated serum protein with high concentrations of cysteine/cistina can bring glutathione to the lens and slow down the development of cataracts or even impede its development.
Increased glutathione levels
Some researchers believe that other supplements can effectively increase the blood levels of glutathione. For example, in a trial, glutathione levels had been increased by about 50% among healthy individuals by taking 500 mg of vitamin C daily for two weeks. Vitamin C increases glutathione, helping the body manufacture it.
Other nutrients, including alpha-lipoic acid, glutamine, methionine, SAMe, Whey protein, cysteine or melatonin also contribute to increased levels of glutathione. Vitamin B6, riboflavin and selenium are essential for the body to manufacture glutathione.The mechanisms by which these nutrients effectively increase glutathione levels in humans are currently being studied.
Cystine, a precursor of glutathione is synthesized from L-glutamate, L-cysteine and L-glycine. The availability of L-cysteine can be considered as a limiting factor in the national production of glutathione.
The most suitable solution is N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
An in vitro investigation indicates that we able to stimulate the biosynthesis of glutathione. In vitro, We increase the levels of intracellular glutathione in erythrocytes and in the cells of the liver and lungs and restore the stock of glutathione after having been experimentally reduced. In humans, oral supplementation normalizes low levels of glutathione.