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Which 'Moulin Rouge' Song Is Your Anthem?

Are you more of a "Your Song" or a "Sparkling Diamonds?"

Heather Thompson
Created by Heather Thompson
On Mar 29, 2017

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Elephant Love Medley

Elephant Love Medley

You romantic, you! You truly love love and every aspect of it - making people act like utter fools, seeing the world as a prettier place and finding someone to spend your life with. You're optimistic and know that all you need is love, whatever the cost, and these lyrics reflect that. You may be a sucker for a good love song and this is a medley of some of the best. So sit back, listen and daydream about that special someone (be it real life or fictional).

Zidler's Rap

Zidler's Rap

Life of the party, table for one! You are outgoing and this song fits you like a glove. People are down? You got this. People don't know what to do on a night out? Oh, call you up for sure. This tune would be on so many playlists for you, whether it's for waking up on the right side of the bed in the morning, getting psyched for a night out or just getting through a Tuesday. Everyone knows your up for a good time, especially for going out on the town.

Sparkling Diamonds

Sparkling Diamonds

There's nothing like the finer things in life. Diamonds may not exactly be your cup of tea, but there's no doubt that a life of luxury would be welcome in your world. Satine read your mind when she went into this rendition of these iconic materialistic-themed ditties. You're working hard in life, whether for a nice house, a fancy car or just to enjoy the finer things in life. You like to treat those around you to whatever you can, be it in the form of gifts or vacations.

Your Song

Your Song

This iconic interpretation of Elton John's song really speaks to you, doesn't it? It could be due to the romantic message or Ewan McGregor's crooning voice, but you could easily get swept away by the sound of one of the movie's hits. You have a huge heart and a penchant for falling in love. There may be a poetic streak in you as well, whether you enjoy creating or merely listening or reading to the beautiful words.

Come What May

Come What May

You have a rather unique balance to you - a beautiful love song that both inspires and depresses? Impressive! Even with hopeful lyrics that paint a beautiful picture, there's a melancholy note to the tune that punctuates the whole thing with a tinge of sadness. You are somehow both an optimist and a realist and live by the motto: "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst." You may be able to relate to this song when it comes to relationships, be it old or new, but it can help bring a small, possibly hopeful, smile to your face.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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