Who Would You Be In Richard III's England?
Who Would You Be In Richard III's England?
Courtier? Soldier? Peasant? A member of the royal family?
Courtier? Soldier? Peasant? A member of the royal family?

You'd be a noble!
You'd be a noble!
Being a noble is not a bad place to be during the War of the Roses, except for that whole having-to-side-with-someone-in-a-terrifying-war thing. However, that does mean you have some clout and some money (and probably some land and a house or two). Just try to lay low and you'll be fine....probably.
You'd be a soldier!
You'd be a soldier!
Good news! You're highly employable at this point in history. Bad news! It's because there is just a war low-key going on for a really long time. So there's definitely a chance of a) death and b) fighting for the wrong side. But you'll be able to provide for your family, so there's the bright side.
You'd be a tradesman!
You'd be a tradesman!
Hopefully you're a fan of the city because as a tradesman, that's the best place to be. Even in turbulent times, England needed cobblers, lawyers, printers and a myriad of other talented professionals to keep the city running. There is always a threat that you may have to join an army or that the Sweat may come through, but it's a solid existence.
You'd be a tenant!
You'd be a tenant!
Okay, so you're not at the top of the totem pole when it comes to money or prestige. You kind of owe your entire existence to the man who owns the land you live on (and off of) so that's a bit tough. But that's fine, right? You're away from the disease-ridden city of London. You have fresh air and a way to provide for your family. Just be careful when the wars start.
You'd be a Plantagenet!
You'd be a Plantagenet!
Congrats! You're a member of the reigning royal family! That's cool, right? It's not like a rival family is attempting to take over or anything...except that's 100% about to happen. It's okay though, because some of the royals will just integrate themselves with the new family and save themselves and the bloodline. Keep it regal!
You'd be a Tudor!
You'd be a Tudor!
Okay so you aren't super well-liked now, but you'll be able to make a pretty impressive name for yourself and there's a huge dynasty coming your way. You're a part of the conquering family, and you've lived through some tough times, including some incredible hardships and exile. It'll be your time soon enough. Patience is key.