Will You Survive The Ides Of March?
Will You Survive The Ides Of March?
You got this - just make good choices. And avoid that Brutus fellow. He seems shifty.
You got this - just make good choices. And avoid that Brutus fellow. He seems shifty.

You did it! You survived!
You did it! You survived!
Congratulations! You listened to the warnings but didn't overcorrect, panic and manage to make things worse. You not only survived but you flourished. Once midnight of the 15th hits, just sleep knowing you made it to March 16th unscathed and untroubled - mostly.
It was touch and go but you made it!
It was touch and go but you made it!
Okay, sure, it's terrifying to be told to beware a specific day. Who wouldn't be freaked out? But your panic almost cost your survival a few times - remember to take every warning with a grain of salt. Soothsayers can be guilty of the occasional exaggeration, to say the least. But you made it!
Oh come on, didn't you pay attention?
Oh come on, didn't you pay attention?
Devil-may-care attitudes may be cool and all, but that's how you get yourself killed! C'mon! Sure, some prophets were debunked or doing the dirty work of some powerful people's enemies, but there's nothing wrong with taking caution when warned - which you learned the hard way, sadly.