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How Much Of An Emo Were You As A Teen?

“More nights of hugging my pillow, oh replaying memories.” - The Starting Line

Rachel Addine
Created by Rachel Addine
On Mar 29, 2017

Your teenage years were...

How extreme was your eyeliner?

Did you have a Myspace account?

Did your Myspace/MSN Messenger/YouTube username have 'xX[name]Xx' in it or a reference to your favourite song/band/lyrics?

Which of these piercings did you have or want the most?

Pick the ultimate accessory of your youth:

Which colour did you dye your hair?

Pick an icon:

Total Emo

Total Emo

You were emo through and through, and you've probably brought a considerable amount of that with you into your adulthood! Your iPod Classic was full of AFI, Dashboard Confessional, and My Chemical Romance and as MySpace was all the rage, your page featured a carefully-selected playlist that expressed the inner turmoil of being a teen.
You and your friends stayed away from the mainstream - a total emo!

Casual Emo

Casual Emo

So the whole panda-eyes and chains on jeans thing wasn't really your thing, maybe being a scene kid was more your thing? Happy to dabble in the trend but not emotionally committed to the teen turmoil of being an emo, you were happy to dip in and out of the trend as a casual emo!

You and your friends were more scene than emo - you were usually seen wearing skinny jeans, leapoard print, and leather. Your hair was often coloured, and never edgy enough. Music was an important part of your teens, but mirror pictures were more important. A casual emo!

No emotion here

No emotion here

Your emo days were short lived and a little tenuous. You moved from trend to trend and dabbled a little in the emo culture of the 1990s and 2000s but you lacked the depth of the emo youth around you. You preferred Fall Out Boy and The All-American Rejects to Hawthorne Heights and Simple Plan, and you probably wore black, occasionally...

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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