If You Had Married King Henry VIII.......What Would Your Fate Have Been?
If You Had Married King Henry VIII.......What Would Your Fate Have Been?
Is it off with your head? Or do you stand a chance of surviving?
Is it off with your head? Or do you stand a chance of surviving?

Pick a word that best describes you:
What is most important to you?
Would you say that you have commitment issues?
Pick the most appetising:
And your drink of choice?
How ambitious are you?
Which of the following would be the best reason for you to get married?
How would you most like to be remembered?
Congratulations, your head is still intact! You got a Divorce!
Congratulations, your head is still intact! You got a Divorce!
King Henry did not divorce his wives, but had the marriages annulled. At the time, the laws relating to marriage were under the jurisdiction of canon law, and there was no divorce under canon law. Regardless, you're one of the lucky ones! Whether it's because you can't produce a son, are too old, or aren't quite his type - you've escaped with your head still firmly on your shoulders!
Off with your head! You were Beheaded!
Off with your head! You were Beheaded!
During the reign of Henry VIII, an estimated 57,000 and 72,000 subjects lost their heads....and one of them is you. Whether it's because you couldn't produce a male heir, you couldn't keep your hands off another person, or simply because King Henry got bored - it's off with your head!
Like most Tudors, your marriage ended in Death!
Like most Tudors, your marriage ended in Death!
Disease was a constant problem in Tudor England - it was the only thing that King Henry seemed truly afraid of, and at any sign he would flee. Unfortunately, you either contracted the sweating sickness/smallpox/tuberculosis or died due to complications following childbirth.
Congratulations! You're one of the lucky few who Survived a marriage to Henry VIII!
Congratulations! You're one of the lucky few who Survived a marriage to Henry VIII!
You married King Henry and retained your status, your health, and most importantly - your head. Congratulations, you survived your marriage and became Dowager Queen!