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This Word Association Test Will Determine How Posh You Really Are

Rules: read each word, and without hesitation choose the word that you associate closest with it

Rachel Addine
Created by Rachel Addine
On Feb 18, 2016

You're as posh as it gets

You're as posh as it gets

You're basically a toff! Champagne, napkins (NOT serviettes), and long days of cold, damp deerstalking. Give yourself a good hearty pat on the back and relax with satisfaction!

You’re Pretty Posh

You’re Pretty Posh

You might have some of the tastes and education of the Upper classes and know which cutlery to use at the dinner table, but you’re still pretty grounded. You’ve got the best of both worlds!

You're as common as muck

You're as common as muck

So you like a good bargain and the occasional Greggs pasty - does it matter?! You're down to earth, fun, and too busy getting on with life to care about how posh (or not) you really are!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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