Which Job Would You Have In Game of Thrones?
Which Job Would You Have In Game of Thrones?
We can't all be nobles!
We can't all be nobles!

Pick a house:
What word would your friends use to describe you?
What's most important to you in a job?
What time of day do you prefer to work?
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
Pick a job perk:
Who do you most like to work with?
Do you like to get your hands dirty?
Pick a weapon:
Master of Coin
Master of Coin
You are Chief Financial Advisor to the King and a member of the Small Council.
You're intelligent, assertive and ambitious. You value knowledge and competence, and have little patience for stupidity or inefficiency. Let's face it, you are driven to lead and are motivated by greed and power, but the realm is still better off for it!
Hand of the King
Hand of the King
You are the King's closest advisor, who helps hold the realm together: the most powerfully appointed position in the Seven Kingdoms.
You are trustworthy and steadfast. You tend to put the needs of others above your own. Some find your reserved personality a sign of coldness and disdain, but people can depend on you when the going gets tough - even the king himself!
You are a mercenary who hires out your services to the highest bidder. You have no official allegiance or obligation to anyone, but yourself.
You tend to do as you please, and seldom let other people dictate your actions -unless you're getting paid by them, of course! You are a morally suspect opportunist, but there's more to you than meets the eye and deep down you aren't all about the money.
You are the royal bodyguards of the Iron Throne - one of the finest knights in the Seven Kingdoms who has sworn to protect the king and the royal family with your own life.
You are adaptable, devoted, and incredibly talented. You often come across as egotistical and cruel bryond measure, but under all your unpleasant arrogance and violence is a deeply caring person with a strong sense of loyalty and the need to be admired.
Member of the Night's Watch
Member of the Night's Watch
You are part of a military order which holds and guards the Wall - the immense ice structure which separates the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms from the lands beyond.
You're quietly forceful, original, and sensitive. You're individualistic and tend to march to the beat of your own drum, sticking tasks out until they're complete. Not everyone takes you seriously, but you're a powerful player and soon they will realise you are an important person to have on their side!
Red Priestess
Red Priestess
You are the priestess of R'hllor, the god of flame and shadows. You follow their tennets and what you perceive to be their will.
You're headstrong and passionate, but have a cutthroat approach to getting your own way. With enormous magical power at your fingertips you express your will and are not afraid of standing up for what you believe in. Ultimately you always get your wishes granted, whether it's for the greater good or to further your own agenda.
You are well-known in the brothels of Westeros and pleasure houses of Essos.
You're popular, sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Ok, so you have a pretty low status in Westeros, but those who frequent the pleasure houses often disclose information to you without a second thought. Use this to your advantage and you could go far - so sit and listen to what the world has to say!