Which Nanny McPhee Character Are You?
Which Nanny McPhee Character Are You?
When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go.
When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go.

Pick a fictional Nanny:
Some would say you're...
What is your guilty pleasure?
Pick a verb:
If you could be an Olympian in one sport, which would it be?
Pick a mug:
What's your hidden talent?
Pick a stick:
Nanny McPhee
Nanny McPhee
Hard-working and determined - no obstacle can stand in your way. And when the rules and regulations you usually trust in don't work the way they're supposed to, you make your own laws. You like order, loyalty, and matter-of-fact conversations.
Cedric Brown
Cedric Brown
Your main goal in life is to please the people you love and create a happy family. You're kind and cooperative and usually shy away from conflict. Warm, caring, and loyal - you want to be seen and loved for who you are.
You are committed, sweet, and caring - you are highly people-orientated and very observant of the feelings of others. You remember every nuance about people, and use your knowledge to do thoughtful things.
Eric Brown
Eric Brown
Thoughtful, analytical, and intelligent - there is no problem you can't solve. You prefer to work alone, working through problems and forming solutions. You're good at reading people, and don't mind correcting them when necessary.
Simon Brown
Simon Brown
Independent and adventurous - you are willing to try most things at least once. You're not a big fan of following the rules, preferring instead to determine cause and effect and create your own path accordingly.
Tora Brown
Tora Brown
Serious and dedicated - you're fueled by intense feeling and deeply held ethics. You're loyal to the people and causes that are close to your heart. Flexible and friendly by nature but aggressively defensive if a person or cause is threatened.