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What Kind Of Easter Egg Were You In A Past Life?

Ever wake up in the morning feeling like you can remember a life you don't recall living? Were you round, hollow and full off delicious treats? Take the quiz to find out what kind of easter egg you were in a past life!

Created by RachBuzz
On Mar 17, 2016

Which of these nightmares have you experienced most often?

Which 90s song is all about you?

What do you struggle with?

If you were an ice cream, what topping would you have?

What colour(s) do you see when you close your eyes?

Which of these locations are you most drawn to?

How do you like your tea/coffee?

Pick a flower...

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being bloomin' lovely, how nice would you say you are?

Pick an easter mascot...

Hollow & Broken Egg

Hollow & Broken Egg

Recurrent dreams of falling? Waking up with a feeling of emptiness and not knowing why? My friend, it's because in a past life you were a hollow and broken easter egg. Cast off the shelf in a moment of heated passion, your life as an egg was a sad one indeed. Broken, gutted and shamed lying naked on the floor, you were never destined to make it to the easter egg hunt. But it's okay, the nightmare is over now.

Deceptive Kinder Egg

Deceptive Kinder Egg

In a past life you were a deceptive kinder egg, always plotting and hiding things in your little orange box. You masqueraded as a brown egg when really, you were white inside all along. What were you hiding? A secret love? Treasure? I guess we'll never know...

Deceitful Cream Egg

Deceitful Cream Egg

In a past life you were a deceitful Cream Egg. You tricked people into trusting you with your smooth edges and deliciously chocolatey surface, but deep down you were full of viscous goo which rotted the teeth of those who trusted you. For shame, Cream Egg, for shame...

Angelic Dream Egg

Angelic Dream Egg

In a past life you were a heavenly dream egg, packed to the rafters with little, crunchy, sugary balls of joy. You brought happiness to all of those who cracked you open on Easter Sunday with your angelic white chocolate and bootylicious curves. You go dreamy egg!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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