Which Hot Drink Suits Your Personality?
Which Hot Drink Suits Your Personality?
Winter is coming, and we all love a good brew as the cold creeps in. See if we can guess which hot drink suits your personality from these questions!
Winter is coming, and we all love a good brew as the cold creeps in. See if we can guess which hot drink suits your personality from these questions!

My friends would describe me as
Happiness is
My job
My favourite exercise is
The best accompaniment to a hot beverage is a
My preferred colour is
Which is the best film out of
The best time to drink a hot beverage is
I think that rain is
The best coffee shop is
Swift, efficient and always on the move, your personality is suited to a big hot cup o' Joe. Hit up your local coffee shop to get your Grande Caffe Americano fix.
Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate
Sweet, caring and loved by all, your personality suits a hot chocolate. Truly the most comforting drink of the winter period, and always improved by a few marshmallows and some whipped cream.
Traditional English Tea
Traditional English Tea
Traditional and reliable, your personality suits a good old English cup of tea. The perfect accompaniment to a meet up with friends and the great British favourite, this hot drink never fails to please.
Alternative Tea
Alternative Tea
Peppermint? Green? White? Fruit infused? There are so many to try! These exotic and healthy teas suit your peaceful nature, love of exercise and eagerness to try new things.