What Dessert Are You?
What Dessert Are You?
Everybody has a favorite dessert. Are you wondering whether you are your favorite, or if it'll be a total surprise?
Everybody has a favorite dessert. Are you wondering whether you are your favorite, or if it'll be a total surprise?

How would your best friend describe you?
What is your favorite color?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What is your favorite dessert?
Why are you taking this quiz?
What is your biggest insecurity?
Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Shortcake
You have many different layers, just like a strawberry shortcake. You have the soft, spongy cake, the milky whipped cream, and obviously, the healthy, sweet and delicious strawberries. You are all of these things. You are a very nice person, and enjoy other people's company.
You are a very sweet person , just like custard. Just like creme brulee, You have a hard outside to crack, but after you crack that layer, you are the sweetest, most trustworthy person anyone could ever imagine. It is good to have that outer layer because you certainly don't trust people to soon.
You are simple, like a cake (not in a bad way). Even if you don't like someone, you are very nice to them, even if you are venting on an on in the inside. You are very calm and composed on the outside, but in the inside it is in a whole different story. You are wild and crazy, and have an insane amount of ideas to share with the world.
Just like a chocolate cream pie, you have two layers. You have the light and airy whipped cream, and then the deep and passionate chocolate layer. On the outside, you are very calm and fun to be around, but on the inside, you have a passion for something, and you should let that passion out. You are very shy, but should become more social because everyone will love you.
You are just plain sweet. You are one of the nicest people on the planet, and no matter what people think, they cannot possibly hate you. Everyone likes you and you like everyone, (for the most part). Even when you don't like that occasional person, you are still nice to them no matter what. You have a bubbly personality and everyone likes you because of that.
You are friendly and outgoing just like a cupcake. Everyone loves cupcakes, just like everyone loves you. You are easily lovable, and extremely funny. Everyone ADORES your sense of humor.