Which Famous CEO Do You Think Like?
Which Famous CEO Do You Think Like?
Are you a Jobs or a Gates? Or maybe you think more like Oprah than Zuckerberg. Find out which one you think most like now!
Are you a Jobs or a Gates? Or maybe you think more like Oprah than Zuckerberg. Find out which one you think most like now!
Would you rather be loved or feared by your employees?
Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
Which one of these pictures inspires you?
What did you think of your experience in school?
What would you want to be remembered for?
You have to fire someone for the good of the company. How do you handle it?
Which of the following brainstorming techniques most appeals to you?
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
You think like Apple legend Steve Jobs! You're very career and goal oriented and your personal drive leads you to great and innovative thoughts. You value both the technical and creative sides of everything you interact with, and learn by thinking outside of the box in all your endeavors. You're ruthless when it comes to getting what you want, and you will let nothing stand in the way of having your good idea get off the ground.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates
You're an innovative thinker just like Bill Gates. You value unique ideas and progress above all else, and know how to balance your need for intellectual stimulation with your ambition in such a way that makes you a guaranteed success. You're open and charismatic, and know how to be your best self when it comes to brainstorming.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
You think like revolutionary billionaire and CEO, Oprah Winfrey. You're the kind of person who lets nothing hold you back from what you feel like you deserve. You're determined and passionate, and are less governed by the rules of cold logic and more so by your trust in your emotions and instinct. Your charisma is legendary, allowing you to communicate your ideas better than the competition and rise to the top of your game.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
You're a creative thinker with the business smarts to back it up and shoot for the stars. You let nothing hold you back, just as Musk doesn't let "the sky's the limit" prevent him from taking his company SpaceX to all new levels. Your entrepreneurial spirit is the same one that led Musk to found wildly successful Paypal and Tesla Motors. You both are all about pushing the boundaries of anything you set your heart on and using your charisma and smarts in unison to accomplish anything.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg
You think like prodigy turned billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. You have a raw innate talent that can't be properly nurtured by anything but your own ambition. When you're passionate about a venture, you go all out and aren't afraid to ruffle some feathers and make a few enemies along the way. You're a determined thinker and are often considered a visionary by your peers, superiors, and followers.