Pack Your Bags! Hong Kong Now Has A New Bunny Cafe!
Pack Your Bags! Hong Kong Now Has A New Bunny Cafe!
It's time to go to Hong Kong, everyone. They have literally all the bunnies!
It's time to go to Hong Kong, everyone. They have literally all the bunnies!

Cat Cafes are cute, but you know what's cuter? BUNNY CAFES! You know what they have at the bunny Cafe? They have literally all the bunnies. All of them.
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So; bunnies! Also, a selection of coffee, AND snacks! You know that dream you had when you were 12? It came true!
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I mean, it did if you dreamt of the bunny cafe. I know I did!
Don't worry about the bunnies; they're all up for adoption, and all cafe customers have to follow strict rules to stay in the cafe. We're sure the bunnies love all the selfies though...
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Just another day with a perfect foofy thumper!
Rabbitland is a popular parent destination; Hong Kong is pretty small and most residence don't keep pets. Parents take their children so that they can understand how much work a pet can be. And the bunnies get all the love and all the care!
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Having a latte, feeding two thumpy angels from twitchy-nose heaven!