Which Random Olympic Sport Were You Built For?
Which Random Olympic Sport Were You Built For?
Archery? Javelin throwing? Not everyone can be Michael Phelps-what would YOU be great at?
Archery? Javelin throwing? Not everyone can be Michael Phelps-what would YOU be great at?

How often do you exercise?
Which was your favorite sport growing up?
What's your diet like?
What are you best at?
Summer or Winter Olympics?
Favorite 'normal' Olympic Event?
Which of these is the most appealing to you?
Are you competitive?
And finally; Pick an Olympic hero!
Judo is basically really aggressive cuddling, and you are in to it. Honestly, who wouldn't want to get paid to roll around in a dressing gown with a buddy? But seriously, you'd be great at Judo. You might look soft on the outside, but you can kick some ass and take some names!
Handball is just like football, but with your hands! You're hand eye coordination is above average and you enjoy working on a team, there's nothing quite like camaraderie! People love having you on their team because you're giving and you know just how to support others!
Table Tennis
Table Tennis
You're a lone wolf with a tiny paddle, and you could take down an Empire with a table tennis table. You're quick, smart, and you know just how to hit that ball so it does exactly what you need it to. You are one who shouldn't be messed with!
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rhythmic Gymnastics
You are graceful and elegant, and move with incredible skill. Rhythmic Gymnastics it is! You know how to craft a beautiful spectacle and execute it perfectly, you put thought into every single thing you do. And you love a good beat!
Racewalking. It might not be the most glamorous of sports. It might not be the most fun. It might not be the most attention grabbing. But it is pure hard work, and no one knows the value of pure hard work like you. You know the bells and whistles are just for show. You know that your biggest competition has always been yourself.
Trampoline is a surprisingly difficult sport to get into, and it's a lot lot harder than you think. You know that to soar to great heights you need to be composed, and weigh every move you make. Just because it looks easy doesn't ever mean it actually is, and you've got the skills to pull it all off