You'll Never Guess What These Airlines Did So That Pets And Their Owners Could Escape Wild Fires!
You'll Never Guess What These Airlines Did So That Pets And Their Owners Could Escape Wild Fires!
Just this once, everyone gets to ride up front!
Just this once, everyone gets to ride up front!

Created by Rachel Green
On May 10, 2016
If you've ever flown with a pet you know how tough it can be. Either they've got to stay in a travel crate the whole time below deck, or they've got to stay in a travel bag on your lap. It isn't fun.
But for Canadians fleeing the Fort McMurray Fire, airlines decided to bend the rules a little.
You have to be impressed that everyone is behaving so well.
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021