Which Romantic Poet is for you?
Which Romantic Poet is for you?
Answer the following statement. They are mostly yes or no questions with another option at times. This will determine which poet you may relate to the best or like the most for our poetry project.
Answer the following statement. They are mostly yes or no questions with another option at times. This will determine which poet you may relate to the best or like the most for our poetry project.

You are uneasy in social situations
You think the world needs more grand and beautiful things
As a child you were more of a fighter
You are fiercely loyal to family
You have at times had to take on the role of the parent
For you reading is an escape from reality
You think poetry can bring healing
You find inspiration in nature
You feel like you understand sad poetry best
You like emotional extremes
You think rebelling against authority is a good thing
You love symbolism
You dislike religion
You are an idealist
You would sacrifice comfort and security before you would sacrifice your beliefs and principles
You don't mind stirring the pot to bring about discussion
Emotions are unreliable
Writers should address social issues in their writing
You consider yourself to be somewhat artistic.
You want to bring about social change in the world
You love allusions in literature
You are a highly empathetic individual
You often question the nature of God
You would rather be true to yourself than accepted and loved by the majority
You like analyzing artwork
You hate tyranny
You are interested in politics
Being out in nature is good occasionally but can't replace constant companions
You are more of an extrovert
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotions
You don't know how you feel about religion
You have had a falling out with a close friend
You are divided in regards to your emotions and logic.
You like an intellectual challenge
You like learning about religious reform
You consider yourself insecure
Nature is an animated omnipresent life force
Everything is part of some divine scheme
You question mankind's purpose in the world
You like reading obscure things
You like writing that has a moral purpose
You think giving money to the poor is a good way to help them.
You would like to work with those less fortunate as a career or for a period of your life
You find religion very interesting
If you could write something to be published, you would want it to scandalize your readers.
You love satire and sarcasm
You are highly interested in Greek culture
You like author's who put themselves into their writing
You like to defy social norms
John Keats
John Keats
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
William Blake
William Blake
William Wordworth
William Wordworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lord Byron
Lord Byron