Which Character From The Secret Garden Are You?
Which Character From The Secret Garden Are You?
Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic novel The Secret Garden is a wonderful tale. Which unique and quirky character are you?
Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic novel The Secret Garden is a wonderful tale. Which unique and quirky character are you?

Where do you like to spend your time?
What is your favorite month? (out of the ones provided)
If you could wish for anything you wanted, what would your wish be?
Are you contrary?
Do/did you love your parents?
Do you believe in magic?
Do you like Yorkshire language?
You have just moved to a manor with no friends and nothing to do. What do you do to pass the time?
You have found the key and the door to a secret garden that has been locked up for 10 years. No one is supposed to go in it though. What do you do?
How often do you think of dying?
Which character from The Secret Garden is your favorite?
Mary Lennox - A spunky, wild, unique girl who is looking for an adventure. Although she may be a bit sour, she can also be sweet and caring - especially to her friends. She finds magic in the secret garden, as it helps her grow into a strong child.
Dickon Sowerby - A lovely, enchanting, animal lover who is always outside, either on the moor or in a garden. He cares for everyone and always tries to help. He has a magic way with creatures and the garden has helped him connect with humans and share his love for gardening.
Ben Weatherstaff - An understanding, caring, gardener who tries to help. Although sour and lonely, he has a kind, caring heart that always wants to do good. He is observant and smart. The garden has brought back memories of Mrs. Craven and has started to work friends into his life, although the robin will always be closest to him.
Colin Craven - A sick, determined, boy who loves magic and wishes for a better life. Although he had lost hope of living a full life, all he needed was Mary giving him his hope back. Once he set his mind on walking, he accomplished it. A pessimist turned into an optimist. The garden has done wonders for you, giving you strength, hope, faith, and life.
Martha Sowerby - A humble, loving, thoughtful, servant who wants to help and care for everyone. Although a talker, she has a wonderful imagination and perception that makes life more enjoyable. She wants to help her family every way she can and care for Mary. The secret garden has made life more exciting and wonderful.
Mr. Craven
Mr. Craven
Archibald Craven - A wise, sorrowful, traveler who tries to escape his past. Although depressed about life, he cares for his son, Colin, and tries to give people the love and care they need. He enjoys traveling so that he can see all the lovely things in the world. The garden has provided him hope and has made him joyful and happy once again and has given him something to live for.