Are You A Marvel Mastermind?

14 questions that will separate the real superheroes from the pretenders...

Radio Times
Created by Radio Times (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 8, 2015
1 / 14

Which superhero made his debut in issue 15 of Amazing Fantasy from August 1962 and appeared on its cover?

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Which artist and writer known as The King left Marvel for DC Comics in 1970 but returned six years later with a new Captain America story and the creation of the series The Eternals?

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A number of covers for Marvel’s self-lampooning series Not Brand Echh were drawn by an American artist born in 1929 who was one of the first women to gain recognition for her contributions to American comics. What was her name?

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A December 1976 joint venture between Marvel and DC Comics of Superman versus The Amazing Spider-Man is described on the cover as 'The Battle Of…' ?

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What name did Stan Lee intend to give to The X-Men? He was overruled because it was thought that younger readers might not understand the term.

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What was the real original name of Phoenix, a figure who acquired supernatural powers after she was believed to have died in a plane crash?

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Marvel’s first black superhero is the king of the African nation of Wakanda who made his debut in 1966 in an issue of Fantastic Four with the name The Black…

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Which George Lucas space fantasy film did Marvel publish a six-part adaptation of in 1977?

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Who co-created Captain America with Jack Kirby but went on to sue Marvel over copyright of the character? A case that was finally settled in 2003.

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Who appeared as a title character in an issue subtitled 'Night of the Vampire' in April 1972 after changes were made to the American comics code?

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Stan Lee was editor-in-chief at Marvel until 1972 when Roy Thomas took over Lee’s role. Who took over his role as art director the following year?

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Which character created in 1932 by the American author Robert E Howard made his Marvel debut in October 1970 after Marvel licensed the character?

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What is the real name of Bruce Banner’s cousin who is transformed into She Hulk after she receives a blood transfusion from him?

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Who is Ant-Man’s partner? The only female member of the original superhero group The Avengers, who made their debut in September 1963?

Questions left
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