Are you ready for Laguna?
Are you ready for Laguna?
Answer these questions to see if you are ready for Laguna Middle School.
Answer these questions to see if you are ready for Laguna Middle School.
You don't like the way your gym clothes look. you...
You learn the dress code rules, so you...
You keep forgetting where some of your classes are. you...
you hear rumors that the 8th graders are really mean and scary. you...
the lunch line is very long, and you are really hungry. you...
A friend asks you to ditch a class with them. you...
someone asks you if they can borrow $1.00. you...
A teacher offers you to re take a quiz that you failed on. you...
You are not aloud to chew gum at school, but your friend asks you if you want a piece. you...
You forget to turn in a paper that is due. you...
(if you take the bus) There are no more open seats. you...
Your taking a test and the person next to you asks what you got on a certain problem. you...
You see someone sitting alone at lunch. you...
Your locker is stuck and you really need your science book! you...
Thanks for taking Our Quiz!! Click either one of these answers to find out if you are ready for Laguna or not!
You are ready for Laguna Middle School!
You are ready for Laguna Middle School!
Congratulations! You have passed this quiz and you are ready for Laguna!
You are jnot quite as ready for Laguna!
You are jnot quite as ready for Laguna!
Oh No! You might not be as ready for laguna! You might need to study a little bit more before you first year at Laguna!