Are You A Thinker Or A Feeler?
Are You A Thinker Or A Feeler?
According to psychological theories, the world is made up of thinkers and feelers. Which one are you? Do you lead with your heart or your head? Let's find out!
According to psychological theories, the world is made up of thinkers and feelers. Which one are you? Do you lead with your heart or your head? Let's find out!
I like to have things decided.
I notice inconsistencies.
I work in bursts of energy.
I look for logical explanations or solutions to most everything.
I believe telling the whole truth is more important than being tactful or diplomatic.
I am sometimes perceived by others as too idealistic, flaky, or indirect.
I like to stay open and spontaneous to whatever happens.
I can be seen as too task-oriented, uncaring, or indifferent
I look for what is important to others and express concern for others.
I make decisions with my heart and want to be compassionate.
I prefer getting to the point fairy quickly.
I like to maintain good eye contact with people I'm speaking to.
You're a thinker! Thinking means that you make decisions through logic, rather than emotions or intuition. You're incredibly intelligent and you love the world of thought and theories. You enjoy reading, writing and exploring new intellectual possibilities. You distrust overly emotional or sentimental people and you always strive first and foremost to be fair. You respond best to logic and you're always willing to put your personal opinions aside in pursuit of fairness and justice. You see the world as a reasonable and logical place, with clear norms and values. You have a strong moral compass and you have little tolerance for those who choose to feel rather than think!
You're a feeler!! Feeling means that, as a rule, you experience the world based on emotion. You're naturally empathetic and you have incredible compassion for the world around you. You genuinely care for others and you often feel like you're on a mission to help those in need. You're in tune with your own emotions and you let them guide you in life. You have little time for cold logic because you believe life is much more complicated than academic theories. You follow your heart over your mind and this has made you an incredible person. Keep feeling, the world needs it.