What's Your Biggest Personal Complex According To Freud?
What's Your Biggest Personal Complex According To Freud?
Let the father of psychoanalysis analyze you!
Let the father of psychoanalysis analyze you!

I often contemplate the great expanse of the universe and how incredibly small and insignificant I am.
I have a healthy sense of self and body image.
Choose a greek mythological character.
What exotic animal would you want as a pet?
How does this painting make you feel?
How dysfunctional is your family?
How would you generally describe most of your dreams?
How aggressive or passive is your personality generally?
Quick, what do you see?
Hero Complex
Hero Complex
You have a clear Hero Complex! This is a common complex in those who have experienced significant adversary in life or early childhood trauma. It's marked by a profound difficulty in "finding oneself" combined with a strong belief in ones ability to help, or even save, those in need. In other words your complex is a mix of a strong sense of destiny with an unsatisfying professional life. Heroes often feel a "heroic burden" to bear. This leads to a feeling of being unappreciated and misunderstood by others who don't recognize their heroic potential. To succeed in your mission, channel your strong belief in yourself and your admirable desire to help others into productive projects and tasks. Don't hold yourself to an unrealistic standard!
Jonah Complex
Jonah Complex
You have an obvious Jonah Complex! Based on the character of Jonah in the Bible, this complex is found in those who feel such a profound sense of responsibility to succeed in life that they trip themselves up and avoid success at all costs. Those with this complex, tend to ignore all their extraordinary capabilities and talents, and surpress them intentionally. They believe that by running from their own personality, they`ll avoid public success, which they fear the most. Usually Jonah complex is instilled with parent`s strong influence, who taught a child to be “like others”, and not to stand out of a crowd. Sometimes it`s only in old age when a person`s talent may be discovered, however, it`d be already too late to develop it. Put all of your fears aside and invest time and energy in cultivating your inner talents! You'll be very surprised by what you find within!
Cinderella Complex
Cinderella Complex
You have a Cinderella Complex! This Complex was developed by later Freudian psychologists. You are most likely a woman - though you may be more sensitive man. You are likely beautiful, graceful, polite, supportive, hardworking, independent, and maligned by other females in your society. How many times have you thought or been told "they're just jealous!"? Despite all of these admirable traits, those with this complex are not capable of changing their situations through their own actions and must be helped by an outside force, usually a male. Those with this complex often rely on men to solve their problems and change their realities, despite their own ability to do so! Our advice is quite simple: you don't need a man!
Cleopatra Complex
Cleopatra Complex
You have a strong Cleopatra Complex! This Complex is most common in women. Complex of Cleopatra or a Complex of a Queen, as it is more widely known, is an ancient psychological complex, which is inherent to a large number of powerful women. The complex is mainly caused by an excessive amount of the feminine energy and impressive reservoirs of the sexual energy! You have a high level of self-consciousness concerning your uniqueness and total power above the rest of the world. You naturally believe that no man deserves you and you are most attracted to powerful men who are your natural equals. This complex has driven many woman to the heights of great success, however an inflated sense of ego and power will be your downfall if you don't learn to cultivate some humility!
God Complex
God Complex
You have a God Complex! ‘The God Complex’ is a widespread psychological illusion of unlimited personal potential, which misguides the person and can sometimes be the cause of serious troubles between the person and the society. This idea of the omnipotence can be caused by over indulgent parents or athletic, academic or professional success. Those with this complex are convinced of their own abilities and often find the need to demonstrate them to others. Criticism from others is almost always dismissed and ignored. This complex enables you to survive rejection easily but remember that criticism should always be taken seriously. You're obviously awesome, but maybe not as much as you think!
Parental Complex
Parental Complex
You have a clear Parental Complex! This famous mental dilemma of a child that has to choose between his father and his masculine desire for his mother has grown into psychological disturbance known as a Complex of Oedipus (for boys) or Complex of Elektra (for girls). It's believed that the heroes from the Greek mythology Oedipus and Elektra fell in love with their parents and in order to fully possess them they had to kill another parent, the father in a case of Oedipus and a mother in a case of Elektra. However, having committed the murder, none of them felt satisfied. In simple terms this means that if you're male you're a "mamma's boy" and if you're female you're "daddy's girl". You are very close to your parent of the opposite gender and often look for romantic partners who resemble them! Freud would love to analyze you!