Do You Know Game Of Thrones Characters Better Than Real World Leaders?
Do You Know Game Of Thrones Characters Better Than Real World Leaders?
Are you more familiar with Westeros or the real world?
Are you more familiar with Westeros or the real world?

Created by Randy Marsh
On Mar 29, 2017
Who is this?
What country is this person in charge of?
From which House is this person?
What title does this person hold?
How did this person die?
Where was this person born?
Whom does this belong to?
How long has this person been in power?
What did this person do?
Where is this person from?
What is this persons full title?
What is this persons full title?
Who did this person kill?
What Country does this person lead?
Which of these people was assassinated?
Game of Thrones Master!
Game of Thrones Master!
World Leader Wizard!
World Leader Wizard!
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021