In Which book are you most like Hermione Granger?


Created by Ravenclaw (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 23, 2018

What house are you in?

Who is the best Male Character

Besides Hermione, Who is the best Female Character!

What's your best quality?

What is your Worst Quality

Pick a Hermione Granger Quote

Finally what's your Favorite Book?

Philosopher's Stone

Philosopher's Stone

You are most like Hermione in year one! That's when she is more worried about impressing everyone with how smart and good at magic she is. This means you like to show off and you are the teacher's pet. But hey, you only show off because you're brilliant!

Chamber of Secrets

Chamber of Secrets

You're most like Hermione in her second year! This means you are great at figuring things out and are friendly.

Prisoner of Azkaban

Prisoner of Azkaban

You got Hermione in year 3! When Hermione is in her 3rd year she starts breaking the rules more. So this probably means you love to break rules but try as much as you can to restrain yourself because it isn't right. It also means you are adventurous and strong.

Goblet of Fire

Goblet of Fire

You're Hermione in her fourth year! You are most likely understanding and always wanting to help out.

Order of the phoenix

Order of the phoenix

You got Hermione in Year 5! You most likely have someone who you are supposed to respect but really despise and you will stop at nothing to get back what's right. You think through everything though.

Half Blood Prince

Half Blood Prince

You got Hermione her sixth year! This means you are quite jealous. You are talented and don't like it when someone is better than you and you can get unreasonable when this happens.

Deathly Hallows

Deathly Hallows

You got Hermione when she is in her last year! This means you are incredibly brave and know you need to make sacrifices to do what's right.

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On Nov 18, 2021