Do you know The New Teen Titans?
Do you know The New Teen Titans?
This is a quiz about The New Teen Titans comic books! If you have only watched the show, you are welcome to try....but you may be surprised.....
This is a quiz about The New Teen Titans comic books! If you have only watched the show, you are welcome to try....but you may be surprised.....

What is Robin's real name?
What is Cyborg's real name?
What is Starfire's real name?
What is Wonder Girl's real name?
What is the Changeling's real name?
What is Raven's real name?
What is Kid Flash's real name?
How was the team formed?
How did Cyborg become a Cyborg?
Who is the only member of the team with totally normal, living parents who had no or little drama with them as a child?
How many members of the team are not totally human (having altered genes to give them superpowers does not count)?
Which Titan is a pacifist (most of the time)?
Where is Raven from?
Where is Starfire from?
Why does Deathstroke the Terminator hate the Titans?
How did Psimon get his powers?
Which Titan's father is a demon?
Finish the quote. "I am not a thing! I am a...." (Raven)
More quotes! "X'Hal! Endless space..." (Starfire)
"This is war..." (Wonder Girl)
Who said this quote? "Don't they understand? Peace doesn't just have to maintain it...struggle to preserve it..."
What is Terra's real name?
What is Jericho's real name?