What tipe of Mage would you be?
What tipe of Mage would you be?
If you were a mage in an era of Swords and Dragons and Magic, what type of magic would you possess?
If you were a mage in an era of Swords and Dragons and Magic, what type of magic would you possess?

Like all people Mages also need places to live/stay, where will your home be?
Right, Adventure starts, You join a group of warriors on a quest, before you go you pack a few things, what will you get?
Almost ready to leave for you journey, before you leave you must decide if you will take a weapon with?
On your journey your group stumbles upon a shop, Care to browse?
Your group is suddenly ambushed by a group of Bandits, what do you do
Upon traveling you spot a group of Enemy soldiers heading your way, you have the advantage of surprise, what will you do?
One of your comrades is injured in battle, if the wound is not treated quickly your companion might die, what will you do?
On road to your destination your group encounters a Powerful demon, what will you do?
Your Journey has come to and end, what do you do after all the excitement
Elemental Mage
Elemental Mage
You are an Elemental Mage, Powerful indeed
Elemental magic users command forces of nature. Some can bend water to their will, some are able to cause mold soil, and other can conjure fire or create an electric current. Elemental mages can cause a great deal of damage.
Elemental Mages abilities include:
Pyrokinesis – mastery over fire.
Aquakinesis – mastery over water.
Geokinesis – mastery over earth.
Aerokinesis – mastery over air.
Fulgurkinesis – mastery over lightning.
These mages usually go in to a matter head on and deal with the consequences later.
Loyal and trustworthy, true at heart
Mental Mage
Mental Mage
You are a Mental Mage!
Magic of the mind would be best described as magic of the will. This category includes a slew of powers that rely on the will of the user. The mental talents are many and varied, from telekinesis, which can be used to a devastating effect, to harmonizing, which enables the mage to make beautiful flower arrangements.
Mental Mages abilities include:
Telekinesis – ability to move objects with your mind.
Projection – ability to transmit images and feelings to the minds of other.
Therionology – ability to command animals. Practitioners are usually known as animal mages. Rare.
Harmonizing – ability to arrange one’s environment to invoke a specific feeling or mood.
Elenchus – ability to distinguish lie from truth, also known as truthseeking. Extremely rare.
Mental Mages are underestimated, they hold great power.
Arcane Mage
Arcane Mage
You are a Arcane Mage!
The word “arcane” means known or understood by very few. True to definition, the arcane branch of magic talents is poorly understood even by those who are born with these magic powers. Power of arcane magic users comes from reaching into arcane realm, a place of magic outside of our typical reality. Their talents are frequently disturbing
Arcane Mages abilities include:
Enerkinesis – mastery over magic energy.
Summoning – ability to cause manifestation of creatures.
Animating – ability to impart life to inanimate objects.
Binding – ability to fuse or bind something found in the arcane realm to human host with purpose of giving the host new magic powers.
Arcane Mages are powerful magic holders and are a force to be reckoned with
You are a Druid, not a mage at all!
Druids are close knit to nature and animals, they draw their power from the living flora and fauna and can thus also manipulate the living organisms around them
Druid abilities include:
• Animal Morphing -Ability to change their shape into the desired animal
• Disease Generation -Create sicknesses to unleash upon their foes
• Healing
• Nature Manipulation
• Plant Communication