These 6 Questions Reveal Your True Animagus Form

What form does your more animalistic side take?

Rebecca Dawn
Created by Rebecca Dawn (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 26, 2017

Which element do you relate most to

Tell us your height

What quality to you admire about yourself?

Would you call yourself usually more predator or prey?

What House would you probably be sorted to in Hogwarts?

What would you most like people to think of you as?



Your Animagu is a Lion! The symbolic meaning of lions, as one might imagine, primarily deals with strength. The fact that it is a nocturnal creature means that the lion is a symbol of authority and command over subconscious thought (as night is an ancient symbol of the subconscious - or dream states). This serves as a symbolic message of balance and sound judgment. In that the lion shares the world of both night and day, the lion bears a message of prudence to us. In other words, the lion asks us to not overdo in certain areas of our lives. Rather, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities.



Your Animagus is a Swan! The swan is one of the most powerful and ancient totems. Even the word swan is one of the oldest names in the English language, coming from the Anglo-Saxons. Most of swan’s associations come from its appearance—it is a graceful, white bird, and the largest of the waterfowl. But swans are also powerful birds. From this, they reflect the power and longevity that is possible when we awaken to the power and beauty within ourselves. Swan is not only a widely known symbol, but also a very personal one to the individual.



Your Animagus is an Eagle! Those who are guided by the Eagle spirit animal are grounded. Even though the Eagle can soar to great heights, they are still strongly connected to the earth. Among being grounded and connected to the earth, those guided by the Eagle are also resilient and in complete harmony with the spiritual aspects of their lives. Unafraid of the unknown, these seekers accept life’s challenges with unshakable courage, determination and confidence.



Your Animagus is a Rabbit! You are often unpredictable and spontaneous, have fast reflexes and good coordination, are highly observational and alert, gentle and nurturing as well as clever and quick-witted. Rabbit people are quick to succeed and are highly skilled at success not only in their own lives but in advising those around them. You can instinctively sense what paths lead to danger, and which to success.



Your Animagus is a Butterfly! The butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals symbolizing personal transformation. If you see the butterfly as your totem or spirit animal, pay attention to the areas in your life or personality that are in need of profound change or transformation. Perhaps, this animal totem guides you to be sensitive to your personal cycles of expansion and growth, as well as the beauty of life’s continuous unfolding. An important message carried by the spirit of the butterfly is about the ability to go through important changes with grace and lightness.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Your Animagus is a Golden Retriever! You are known for your reliable support and compassion to others. You reserve any judgments of others with forgiveness and love knowing that not all of us can walk a perfect life and that the world must balance somehow. You understand that every hero requires a villain. You are confident in reaching your goals, trustworthy as a someone to confide in and are known for your intelligent advice on all matters. You enjoy the outdoors and absolutely love to work.

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