Can You Win A Presidential Election?

Look on the bright side, you probably already have more votes than Donald Trump!

Rebecca Levy
Created by Rebecca Levy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 30, 2015

Which political party will you align yourself with?

Which issue are you most passionate about?

Which 2016 candidate will you try to attack the most?

Who will you pick as your running mate?

Which political slogan speaks to you the most?

What is your campaign theme song?

Which celebrity will you bring along to help campaign for you?

Which state will you want to spend the most time in while campaigning?

Do you have any dirt in your past?

And finally, are you above the age of 35?

You will win the Presidential Election!

You will win the Presidential Election!

You will be voted President of the United States of America! The voters agree that you have the temperament, understanding, and experience to command the position of leader of the free world!

You will be runner up in the Presidential Election!

You will be runner up in the Presidential Election!

You will be the runner up in the presidential election, loosing the race by a few percentage points. Although you were not triumphant, you came closer than many could ever imagine!

You will make it to the primaries!

You will make it to the primaries!

You will make it into the primaries but you will not win the presidential election! You will build up a large following and will go onto to a fulfilling political career (and maybe even gain a role in the Presidential cabinet)!

You will not make it past the primary debate campaigns!

You will not make it past the primary debate campaigns!

You will not make it past the primaries! Unfortunately the voters have decided that you are not "presidential material" partially due to the fact that you refuse to attack your competition. You would rather keep your morals than stoop to that level,

You will be forced to suspend your campaign!

You will be forced to suspend your campaign!

You will run a strong campaign but will unfortunately have to suspend your campaign because of something from your past coming to light. Whether you expected it to come to light or not, you will continue to work on the issues you are passionate about, president or not.

You will be chosen as Vice President!

You will be chosen as Vice President!

You will not become the President although you will be chose as the Vice Presidential running mate! The voters have seen that you are strong enough to bring something to the table that maybe, even the president is lacking.

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