This 10 Question Test Can Reveal Your Favorite Song From Grease

Automatic, systematic, hydromatic, Why it's greased lightnin'!

Rebecca Levy
Created by Rebecca Levy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

In high school you were

Are you more before makeover Sandy or after makeover Sandy?

Pick your favorite T-Bird

Which of these is the most important to you at this moment?

Pick your favorite Pink Lady...

Pick a perfect 50's date spot

Which one best describes you?

Do you prefer power ballads or upbeat dance numbers?

Who would be your guardian angel in this scene?

What is your go-to move for the dance competition?

Summer Nights

Summer Nights

Your favorite song from Grease is Summer Nights! Summer Nights is all about gossip, friendship, and young love, all the things you are very familiar with!

Hopelessly Devoted to You

Hopelessly Devoted to You

Your favorite song from Grease is Hopelessly Devoted to You! Hopelessly Devoted to You is about longing for the one you love to open their eyes to your devotion to them. Don't worry they'll come around just like Danny!

You're the One That I Want

You're the One That I Want

Your favorite song from Grease is You're the One That I Want! You're the One That I Want is all about becoming a better person for the one you love! You know you "better shape up" to be the one your love needs!

Beauty School Dropout

Beauty School Dropout

Your favorite song from Grease is Beauty School Dropout! Beauty School Dropout is all about realizing there are second chances in life. Remember, it's never too late to make a change for the better!

Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee

Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee

Your favorite song from Grease Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee! Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee is funny, snarky, and a bit mean but that's just how your humor is! You are brutally honest even if it offends some!

Greased Lightnin

Greased Lightnin

Your favorite song from Grease is Greased Lightnin! You are a very passionate individual (about cars maybe?) and you often feel the urge to break out into a synchronized dance number with your friends.

We Go Together

We Go Together

Your favorite song from Grease is We Go Together! We Go Together is about love and always staying close to the people in your life. Those times may take you apart they are always near in your heart!

There Are Worse Things I Could Do

There Are Worse Things I Could Do

Your favorite song from Grease is There Are Worse Things I Could Do! There Are Worse Things I Could Do is your anthem because you are often misunderstood by those who don't even try to get to know you. There is much more to you than the face you show the world!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021