Which Harry Potter Mother Figure Is Most Like Your Mother?

Don't we all wish we had a kick ass mom like Mrs. Weasley?

Rebecca M
Created by Rebecca M
On Mar 29, 2017

What is your relationship like with your mom?

If your mom had to be sorted into a house which would she be in?

Pick a Mrs. Weasley quote

Have you ever had a mother/child relationship with someone who wasn't actually your mother?

Which of your mom's qualities do you most admire?

Your family has struggled through _____

Your mom would make a bad ass _____

Which Harry Potter father would you say is most like your father?

Molly Weasley

Molly Weasley

Your mom is most like Molly Weasley! Although your mom may have the biggest heart and be lovable most of the time, she is secretly the fiercest lady ever! She will fight for the ones she loves no matter what.

Narcissa Malfoy

Narcissa Malfoy

Your mom is most like Narcissa Malfoy! Although your mom may not always be the cuddly type, she loves you more than anything in the entire world. She would sacrifice herself any day just to know you were safe.

Lily Potter

Lily Potter

Your mom is most like Lily Potter! Your mom is intelligent, funny, and good-hearted. Your mom would literally put her life on the line for you because you mean more to her than anything else in the world.

Professor McGonagall

Professor McGonagall

Your mom is most like Professor McGonagall. Although Professor McGonagall isn't an actual mom, it's undeniable that she is the mom of Hogwarts. Like Professor McGonagall, your mom can be strict at times but it's only because she sees your potential and knows you are a special individual.

Petunia Dursley

Petunia Dursley

Your mom is most like Petunia Dursley! Your mom can be a bit overbearing at times, as you know, always trying to find out more about your life and what you're doing every second of every day. Just remember she does this because it's her way of showing you she cares about you and loves you.

Mrs. Black

Mrs. Black

Your mom is most like Mrs. Black, Sirius' mom! Like Mrs. Black, your mom like to yell a lot! Although you and your mom might not get along, you can't deny she is a force to be reckoned with!

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